Do we have full ownership of our property and possessions?
Allah has dominion over everything in the heavens and the earth, and Allah (SWT) is the One who blesses us with wealth; therefore, He instructs us on how it gets […]
Is it obligatory to follow the rules of Inheritance as outlined in the Qur’an?
Yes, Allah (SWT) preceded the outlining of the rules of inheritance with a verse that warns people against taking people’s rights of wealth- verse 4:10, “Verily, those who unjustly eat […]
Is Islamic Inheritance ordained in the Qur’an?
Yes, Allah, Himself has stated how the inheritance is to be shared, and He has issued a warning against ignoring this division.He says (What could be translated as):” These are […]
Is hijab a religious or cultural practice?
The Quran is absolutely clear on this matter, It is commanded by Allah that believing women have to wear a headscarf.Below, please find a detailed answer article on this topic […]
Are tampons permissible to use for unmarried girls/virgins? If they are not permissible to use, what should a girl do?
Many websites explaining this method of using tampons say: This is for married women; the use of this product for an unmarried woman leads to a breach of the hymen. […]
Does bleeding during consummation prove that the girl is a virgin in Islam?
It is the main sign that she is a virgin girl. However, some virgin girls still do not bleed on their first wedding night, so nothing in Islam dictates that […]
When a woman cannot conceive a baby, doctors give the option to get an egg from a donor and implant it in her, with her husband’s sperm. Then she will be pregnant. Is that halal?
Below, please read a detailed answer from the Islamqa website: Question:Is it permissible to put the sperm of the husband and the egg of the wife in the uterus of […]
Is it Islamically permissible for women to get botox injections for the reduction/prevention of wrinkles?
Below, please find a link to an answer that aligns with our Imam’s office fiqh opinion:
Is abortion allowed in Islam if the fetus is malformed?
Below, please find the answer by the head of the American Muslim Jurists Assembly, Sheikh Dr. Salah Al Sawy: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, All praise […]
Is it permissible for a woman to have intercourse with her slave, and is it allowed to bring slavery back?
In general, the subject of slavery is a subject that is very sensitive to followers of the Islamic faith which advocates for freedom. Islam is a practical way of life […]
Does Islam require a woman to change her maiden name and take her husband’s last name?
No, she needs to keep her maiden name. There is nothing in the Islamic traditions to indicate that a woman should take her husband’s name, rather this is an innovative […]
Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to work at a massage place that caters to both genders?
The Islamic ethic on gender relations requires modesty and includes a dress code that stipulates what areas of the body must remain covered for men and women. The ethic of […]