
Is there a waiting period for the husband to ask the wife back if he decides to? If so, how long is the period?

Yes there is a waiting period called ” i’dah ” in Arabic and it starts when the husband announces to his wife that she is divorced. This i’dah period lasts...
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How Do I Pray?

Prepared by Mohamed Baianonie Imam of the Islamic Center of Raleigh Raleigh, NC, USA Acknowledgements All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of Al-‘Alamin (all that exists) and...
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When someone is fasting as Kafara (expiation) consecutive 60 days, but the same normal exemptions apply to breaking the fast. Just so that I am clear, am I allowed to break the fast due to travel for example and resume the fasting after travel is completed and still be considered consecutive?

If a person has fasted some days of the expiation, then something happens that is a legitimate excuse such as sickness or travel, or if a woman menstruates or bleeds...
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If I take the conservative route and assume that the haram act was twice, thus 120 days would be required. Is it 120 consecutive days or two separate 60 consecutive day events? Also, remember you speaking of a limit (or amount of expiation days considered impractical?), but I can not find it in my notes. Can you refresh my memory?

You can take a break after the first set of 60 days. So you don’t have to fast the 120 consecutive. There are some scholars who believe that one expiation...
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Mixed opinions on this and wanted to ask if you can combine the intention for making up days from ramadan and the 6 days of shawwal ?

You can fast the six days of Shawwal either immediately after the Eid day or delay them. You can also fast them either sequentially or separately throughout the month of...
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My wife had some missed days of fasting while pregnant and then nursing our sons. Can she give fidya/kaffara for those missed days ? she has missed 45 days and shes in her early 30’s with two kids, 5 yrs and 10 months. What do you advise on how we proceed?

First obligation would be for her to make up those days with no kafara because she had a legitimate Islamic reason to break her fast. Even if several Ramadans are...
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is it permissible to receive money from online jobs that pay you to take surveys? Many sites pay you to give your opinion on a product or take a survey.

There is no harm of you receiving money for online job of taking a survey. You are being paid for a service you are providing and that is taking the...
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In Islam, if you borrow money from someone you are required to pay them back. What if someone offers to buy you something and they say that you do not have to pay them back? Are you still held accountable for paying back that debt, even if the person says that you are not required to?

I pray all is well. As describe, you really don’t have to pay the person back and the loan is forgiven and is considered a gift.
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As the majority of graduate programs provide unsubsidized loans, AMJA deems this impermissible due to the loan pertaining interest. The link states that unsubsidized loans are haram based on their own merit and can only be permissible in a state of necessity. The article then states that further investigation is needed as it has not been determined the point in which university education can be considered a necessity that allows for interest bearing loans. My question is where to go from here? I want to achieve higher education to provide a sustainable life for myself and future family insha Allah and not being able to have the means to do so because of America’s interest system is saddening. Do Muslims that want to achieve a higher education but cannot afford it just stop going to school? How do Muslims work towards the positions in which they feel they can make a difference if interest based loans are preventing them from receiving the credentials society deems needed to be in those careers?

If your situation as you described that you feel higher education is a necessity for you and not an accommodation and a prestige, then you are eligible to pursue it...
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Imam Baianonie's article on Zakaat-ul-maal has been updated with the current market valuations for gold and silver for a more accurate calculation of nisaab. Zakaat-ul-maal Article
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