Al-Maidah Kitchen Extended Hours

Exciting Announcement from Al-Ma’idah Kitchen! We are delighted to share some exciting news! Starting February 1, 2025, Al-Ma’idah Kitchen will extend its hours to serve you better. Mark your calendars […]

Seeking Principal for Al-Iman School at Page

We are seeking applications from qualified individuals for the position of Principal to guide our institution into a new era of excellence. We are looking for an Academic and Administrative […]

New Partnership with InPairs

Alhamdulillah, we are thrilled to share some wonderful news with our IAR community! IAR Mawaddah Matrimonial Services has formed an exciting and promising partnership with InPairs, a trusted and professional matrimonial platform dedicated to […]

Seeking Qualified Teachers For New School

Al-Iman School @ Page (AIS-P) is seeking applications from qualified individuals for various teacher positions. Interested applicants should apply going through the Al-Iman School@Page website and selecting “Careers” or using […]

An-Noor Chairperson Opening

AN-NOOR QURAN ACADEMY (ANQA) BOARD/COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON  The IAR seeks qualified candidates for the volunteer role of Chairperson of the An-Noor Quran Academy (ANQA) which is a full-time school and specializes […]

Udhiyah/Qurbani 1445

The IAR will be collecting money for Udhiyah/Qurbani this year for Rohingya Muslims, Cameroon, Gambia, Sudan and others. The cost for this year is $250 per goat. This is to help the […]

Taraweeh & Eid Survey

Help your masjid continue to improve! Share your feedback about Taraweeh prayers, Eid prayer, and Eid Fest at the surveys below: Ramadan & Eid Prayers Survey Eid Fest Survey

IAR Fundraising

Your masjid relies on your support to continue its many programs and services to the Muslims of the Triangle. Please donate generously and encourage your friends and family to join […]

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
