Archived Announcements

Ramadan Starts Monday!

Dear respected brothers/sisters of the Triangle Muslim Community, The Triangle Imam Council (TIC) has agreed to announce the following:In compliance with TIC’s Ramadan declaration to unify Ramadan timings Your masjid

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A Ramadan Like No Other

Your masjid is entrusted with the welfare and spiritual guidance of our community, and we recognize the gravity of the decision surrounding events such as the ushering in of Ramadan.

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One Ummah

Supporting the Ummah in need what we have done, and what we need to do $ 0 + Humanitarian Aid Raised Contributed by the IAR Community for recent humanitarian disasters

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Sudan Humanitarian Relief

Sudan is going through crisis and millions of Sudanese were displaced inside and outside Sudan. They are in a dire need of help to get basic life necessities. IAR Social

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We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
