Educational Program

Islamic and Educational Classes

All of the classes are free and there is no registration required to attend the classes.

The Education Committee organizes various education programs. Islamic Class Schedule.

Friday Night Program

Schedule of Friday Night Program at the Islamic Center of Raleigh.

The Education Committee offers Friday Night Programs every week in the Prayer Hall of the Islamic Center of Raleigh.

Topics may cover Islamic Jurisprudence, Modern Day Health, Raising Children in the West, and many other topics.

From November to March, the program is held after Isha prayers. During the remainder of the year, it is held between Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Short Talk & Khatirahs

Schedule of Short Talks Program at the Islamic Center of Raleigh.

The Short Talks and Khatirahs are held at the IAR after daily prayers throughout the week. Speakers present a variety of topics through spiritual and educational reminders.


A presentation by Dr Sami Mubarak about the Medical Benefits of Fasting

Presentations from Building Successful Families Conference

Some of the presentations from the Building Successful Families Seminar, hosted at the Islamic Center of Raleigh on April 2-3 are available for download. Link to Presentations.

Mission and Objective

The Education Committee shall be guided by the Quran and Sunnah according to the methodology of the people of the Sunnah and Jama’ah.

The Education Committee shall, through the teaching of vocational and Islamic educational, prepare the community to succeed in this life and the hereafter inshaAllah.

MIssion statement of the Education Committee