
Educational Programs

The IAR provides short educational programs that do not require long-term commitments and are aimed at people with busy lifestyles.

Learn more about the Educational Program

Youth Program

The IAR Youth Program provides various activities for elementary, high school and college youth groups including social events, itikafs and camps. The Youth Program seeks to provide encouragement and involvement of our children in Islam.

Learn more about the Youth Programs and Activities


The IAR encourages physical activities for our youth through various sporting activities, ranging from Basketball at every Friday Night Program to indoor soccer at the gym.

Learn more about the IAR Sports programs

Martial Arts

Sign up for Martial Arts classes at the IAR.

More information about Martial Arts classes

Volunteering at IAR

The IAR Volunteer Committee is continually seeking dedicated volunteers to help improve the services offered by the Islamic Center of Raleigh.

By volunteering your time and effort for the sake of Allah swt, you are not only helping out others but you are also gaining rewards from Allah swt and improving your own skills and talents. Every volunteer gains immense sense of self and goodwill that is immeasurable.

Please fill out this Volunteer Form to register your interest in serving the community.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
