Delay of IAR Page Road and Creative Scholars Academy

Dear Beloved IAR Community Members, Assalamoalikum.

On behalf of the Islamic Association of Raleigh (IAR) Page Road Committee and the Creative  Scholars Academy (CSA) Team, I would like to provide an update on the status of the Islamic  Association of Raleigh at Page Road project and the opening of our new IAR school, Creative  Scholar Academy (CSA). 

I regret to inform you that due to reasons beyond our control and pending steps/actions from the  County and City of Durham, the opening of the Page Road site has been further delayed. The  primary reasons for the delay continue to be the lack of sewer connection from Durham County  and installation of the Water Pump by the City of Durham which are prerequisites for securing a  Certificate of occupancy for the building to open. The Page Road Committee continues to work  diligently to get these matters addressed but the timeline for completion of these pending items is  beyond our control. I would like to further inform you that due to this delay in the availability of  the Page Road building, the Page Road Committee and the CSA Team have made the difficult  decision to defer the opening of CSA at IAR Page Road until the Fall of 2025. 

The delay to the IAR Page Road site despite the building being completed has in turn postponed the opening of the CSA school originally planned for August 2024. The CSA team has been  looking for alternative locations to house the school for the first semester until we receive the  certificate of occupancy for Page Road. Cary Masjid Leadership had graciously agreed to host  the school there; however, as we explored this option further it was realized that the alternate  location posed several logistic challenges/problems like hardship for many of the parents in  terms of commute distance plus the delay to register the new school with the North Carolina  Department of Non-Public Education to secure the required license leading to miss the  application deadline for the Opportunity Scholarship which several of the prospective parents  were relying on.  

Insha’Allah, the Page Road Masjid will open as soon as we obtain our Certificate of Occupancy followed by the opening of CSA in the Fall of 2025.

JAK all for your support.

On behalf of Page Road Committee and Creative Scholars Team,

Munir Abdullah, Ph.D.
Page Road Committee Chair and IAR Vice Chair

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
