
Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Story Time: Aasia – The Wife of Fir’awn

Story Time: Aasia – The Wife of Fir’awn

This week’s Friday night program after Isha (7:30 PM) will be “Story Time: Aasia – The Wife of Fir’awn” and will be delivered by Imam Badawy and Br. Ahmad Ayad.

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Tech Help for Seniors

Tech Help for Seniors

Your masjid is excited to offer a Tech Help workshop for senior community members at an introductory level to their smartphones from 2:00 – 4:00 PM on Sunday, Jan. 29 in the 2nd floor musallah. Below are some of the topics to be covered: Using common apps (Facebook, YouTube, etc) Managing contacts and communication apps […]

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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Medicare 101 for Seniors

Medicare 101 for Seniors

Our elders are invited to an informational session on healthcare benefits and services this Saturday, Feb. 18 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at Al-Ma’idah Cafe!

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Hifdh Halaqah

Hifdh Halaqah

Brothers and sisters are welcome to join the weekly Hifdh Halaqah to assist with Qur’an memorization every Monday after Isha!

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We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
