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IAR Annual Ramadan Quran Competition

Assalamu Alaikum,

Ramadan is the month of the Quran, and we are excited to announce that the Annual Quran Competition is just around the corner! We had over 300 participants last year, and we hope to increase that this year bi ithnillah. We especially encourage Huffadh, and those who have memorized 10 and 20 Juz to start preparing right now. May Allah bless our efforts and make this event a source of increased knowledge and spiritual growth for all of us.

Please read through the form, complete the required information, and submit it to be considered for the competition inshaaAllah.
Mark your calendar for the following important dates and info. inshaaAllah.
– Competition Timeline:  Saturday, March 23rd @ The Islamic Association of Raleigh (808 Atwater Street , Raleigh , NC 27607)
– Registration deadline: February 20th, 2024
– Awards Ceremony: After Ramadan – will notify!
– Awards: Everyone is a winner inshaaAllah by participating. Grand cash prizes will be awarded to the first through fifth places winners
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We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
