Our Mission and Vision
The vision of the IAR Da’wah Committee is to fulfill the duty of Muslims to convey the message of Islam following the prophetic example by creating a welcoming space and resources for people of all backgrounds to discover and learn about Islam.
We strive to provide robust and Islamically-based education and services to all who are interested in Islam, nurture those who are new to the faith, help all Muslims connect to their
deen, dispel misconceptions and misrepresentations of Islam and Muslims, and create a positive impact on the broader North Carolina community.
The Values that shape our path

Guided by Truth
The services and information offered by the committee are rooted in the guidance of Islam - the Quran and Sunnah - and completed following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Community Focused
We proactively design and create programs and services to meet the diverse needs of the communities we serve and adjust as their needs change.

We grow the next generation of da’ees through education and training and by offering opportunities to participate in committee activities.

Lead by example
We recognize our role as a large organization with a long history of experience that other Muslim groups and organizations look to for advice and guidance in fulfilling the mission of da’wah in their communities.
The Communities we serve

We educate our wider community about Islam and Muslims to build relationships, dispel misinformation, misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Convert Care
We support the journey of converts by providing Islamic education, social opportunities and mentorship to live out Islam in their life.

We support our entire Muslim community through education, allowing them to come closer to their deen and to fulfill the call to share Islam with others.