What is prohibited for the Muhrim (person in a state of Ihram) in terms of clothing, and is wearing a face mask prohibited?
• Stitched clothing customarily worn to fit the body parts, such as shirts, trousers, underwear, and socks. By “stitched,” we do not mean what has been sewn together with a […]
A man was given a sum of money by a non-Muslim, and he performed Hajj and Umrah with it. What is the ruling on his Hajj/Umrah?
All schools of thought allow accepting a gift from a non-Muslim as long as it does not glorify or endorse their Shirk.Using this money to go to Hajj or Umrah […]
Is it permissible to buy or sell something at a specific price at a specific time; for example, to agree with someone to sell something for ten dollars on the thirty-first day, where my profit or loss will depend on the price of this thing at that time, and the same applies to buying?
It is permissible to purchase a described commodity to be delivered at a specified future date, provided that the full payment is made at the time of the contract. This […]
If a woman demands divorce before consummating the marriage, does she need to return the Mahr?
In Islamic jurisprudence, the situation where a wife requests a divorce from her husband is known as “khula.” In a khula divorce, the wife seeks to dissolve the marriage, and […]
What are men required to wear during Islamic obligatory prayers (dress requirements, length, colors, images, writing, design, etc. )?
Both obligatory and optional prayers require the same outfit descriptions. Dress requirements: It needs to be loose, cover the shoulders, cover chest and back, and cover the knees. The length […]
If a woman wants to go to Hajj and her father as her mahram, and has the money to go to pay for Hajj, but she has small children, one the age of 4 years and twins the age 1 year, is she obligated to go to Hajj, or are the small children an excuse for her?
If the woman can leave the kids with her spouse (if his work schedule allows) or under the care of someone competent to care for them, then it becomes obligatory […]
Is it Islamically allowed to abort a fetus?
It is not permissible to abort a fetus after four months have passed, and it is known for certain that the soul has been blown into the baby, and the […]
Is it haram to choose not to have children?
The blessings and responsibility of having children are seen Islamically as one of the objectives of marriage and a praiseworthy form of worship as one seeks to facilitate tarbiya for […]
Can women visit the dead at a cemetery?
This issue is divisive because, overseas scholars in a particular country tend to overwhelmingly adopt one position or another, so people may imagine it is the only valid opinion. Due […]
Can the dead hear us?
The scholars disagree on whether or not the dead hear the talk of the living people. Some believe they do, while others believe the dead do not hear the living.What […]
What is the ruling for a Muslim on consuming gelatin in foods and medicines?
In a statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council, Qaraaraat al-Majma‘ al-Fiqhi al-Islami, Muslim World League (p. 85), it says: It is permissible to use gelatin extracted from permissible substances and […]
What is the Islamic ruling on conditional divorce? For example, if you get pregnant again, I will divorce you.
A man should not use divorce as a threat tool every time there is an argument between him and his wife because of the negative consequences that result from divorce.Many […]