It is not permissible to deliberately add alcohol to the drink or food even if it evaporates because the essence of the alcohol is still present and has not been fully absorbed into the food with which it is mixed, and its effect on the food remains apparent?
The first. is where the alcohol is fully absorbed into the food or drink and has disappeared in it in such a way that its essence is no longer present, […]
Is fermented food or drink halah?
Drinks and foods that are fermented and contain some alcohol concentration are of two categories:First:Where the alcohol concentration in the drink is high, in such a way that drinking a lot of it will […]
Is it Islamically permissible to talk to my fiancée over the phone?
Talking to your fiancée on the phone is permissible when both parties trust one another and the parents agree to the marriage and have no objections. It is acceptable for them to speak […]
Is it permissible in Islam for a person to take a loan on his own 401k and pay it back with interest?
According to the fatawa of Fatwa of Dr. Main Khalid Al-Qudah, a Member of the Fatwa Committee of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America: Borrowing from your 401(K) is […]
Is using a credit card to fund my Umrah trip permissible in Islam?
Using a credit card to fund an Umrah trip is permissible. However, you must ensure the amount is paid off before interest is charged; otherwise, the money will not be […]
Does one have to pay zakah on money or savings that he has already paid zakah on from the previous year?
Yes, zakat is due on savings for which one has already paid zakat on from the previous year.
When does Zakat become due?
After one lunar year, on that due-date, one sees if one has nisab . If so, zakat is due on all of one’s monetary assets (cash, gold, silver, trade goods, […]
When is Zakat due date?
Zakat is due after one Lunar (Hijri) year starting from either the first day you acquired the amount of Nisab or the day you paid Zakat last year.
What is Nisab and its gold value?
It is the amount that savings or capital, or product must exceed in order for the Muslim owner to be obliged to give zakat. Nisab amount is calculated based on […]
What is Zakat?
Zakat is an obligatory duty and one of the five pillars of Islam. It is mandatory when two conditions are simultaneously satisfied, which are Nisab (threshold) and the Due Date.
What is the difference between Zabiha vs. Halal meat, and which one is permissible to eat?
Allah says in the Quran what could be translated as: “Made lawful to you this day are At-Tayyibat [all kinds of Halal (lawful) foods, which Allah has made lawful (meat […]
Is it halal to use red wine vinegar for consumption?
The vinegar combines red wine with vinegar, which has almost no alcohol content. Red wine vinegar is considered halal due to its lack of trace alcohol left in it. During […]