What is tayammum?
Wiping the face and both hands with pure soil instead of performing ablution or bathing:Soil: whatever comes from the earth – dirt, sand, rocks, gypsum, etc.Dirt and sand must have […]
What are other matters related to ghusl?
It is sufficient to perform one bath for two purposes (ex: one ghusl for cleansing from major ritual impurity and for Friday prayer).If a person bathed from major ritual impurity […]
What are the times and events for which ghusl is preferred?
What are the recommended actions for ghusl in order to adhere to the actions of the Prophet pbuh?
What are the obligatory actions for ghusl that are disagreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Intention (from the heart, no verbal requirement):Obligatory – majorityRecommended – Hanafi Rinsing the mouth and nostrils:Obligatory – Hanafi and HanbaliRecommended – Maliki and Shafa’i Rubbing body a part while water […]
What are the obligatory actions for ghusl that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Washing all body parts:No obligation for a woman to undo plaited hair.
What are prohibited acts for one in a state of major ritual impurity that are disagreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Touching or carrying a copy of the Qur’an:Prohibited – majorityNot prohibited – Dhaahiri (Dawood and ibn Hazm), al-Albaani Recitation of the Qur’an, even if it is just part of a […]
What are prohibited acts for one in a state of major ritual impurity that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
What are actions which require ghusl (bathing) that are disagreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Conversion of a disbeliever to Islam:Obligatory – Maliki and HanbaliRecommended – Hanafi and Shafa’i’ On Friday’s:Obligatory – Hanbali Dhaahiri, Ash-Showkanni, al-AlbaaniRecommended – majority After washing a dead body: Obligatory – […]
When is ghusul obligatory?
Ejaculation due to stimulation while sleeping or while awake:This applies to men and women.The condition is that it must result from sexual arousal or lust.There must be traces of ejaculation […]
What are the pillars of ghusul?
Have the intention to purify oneself from impurity, wash the entire body with water once, making sure that the water reaches the roots of the hair and body parts.
Is it Islamically permissible to eat squirrel meat as a treatment for asthma and shortness of breath?
The scholars differed regarding the ruling on eating squirrels. Some of them permitted it, and some of them forbade it.The standard principle rule is that animals are permissible to eat […]