Dear Beloved Members of the IAR Community,
As-salāmu ʿalaykum,
On this joyous occasion of Eid al-Fitr, I extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. Eid Mubarak!
As we celebrate this blessed day, I am reminded of two important themes that resonate deeply with the passing of Ramadan: Gratitude and Reflection.
We have so much to be thankful for as a community. Our diversity is our strength, represented by the various ethnicities, customs and colorful dress that were on display at Dorton arena as we celebrated Eid. Your individuality is the very fabric that makes IAR what it is, and I am extremely grateful l to have each and every one of you as a member and representative of IAR as a whole. IAR is and always will be your masjid.
On behalf of the community, I would like to extend a special thanks to our Cleaning Crew, Al Maidah Kitchen team, Facilities Maintenance team, Security personnel, Administration team, and all of our dedicated volunteers and staff members. Your efforts ensured our safety and made our Ramadan experience smooth and enjoyable.
Last but not least, a heartfelt appreciation goes to the Imam’s office for putting together amazing programs during the month of Ramadan and bringing us world-renowned reciters in addition to our gifted and talented in-house Imams.
It is also with great joy that I express our collective gratitude for being blessed with Imam Saif and his family, who are celebrating their first full Ramadan and Eid with us. Imam Saif’s knowledge, charisma, personality, and infectious smile have already made a significant impact on our community, drawing us and our youth closer to the essence of our faith.
As we enjoy the festivities of Eid, I encourage us all to take the time to reflect on what the month of Ramadan meant for each of us. We saw that we could all become better versions of ourselves, drawing closer to Allah by immersing ourselves in the Quran and deepening our personal connection with the Divine. Let this period of reflection not be confined to Ramadan alone, but extend throughout the year, guiding us to maintain the positive changes we’ve embraced. I encourage us all make a commitment to incorporate our heightened Iman into our thoughts, decisions, and interactions with each other.
It is truly an honor and privilege to serve as your Chairman. May allah accept all of our fasts, prayers and duaas.
Eid Mubarak to you all. May this Eid bring you joy, peace, and prosperity.
With warmest regards,

Osama Said
Chairman, Islamic Association of Raleigh