Donation Receipts

IAR would like to thank you for all your donations and support.

Your generosity truly made a difference and helped us sustain the programs and services you enjoy.

All your donations are tax deductible.

We will send your donation receipts for 2019 through email by the end of January 2020.

If you are not sure that we have your email or you have changed it, please send email to [email protected] to update it.

If you do not receive your donation receipt by email by January 31 2020. Please send us an email or call the office at 919-834-9572.

Free Tutoring Updates

IAR is pleased to continue to offer tutoring for Elementary to High School students in English, Math, Science and Social Studies.

We will meet every Monday from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in Room #240 on the second floor. Please make note of the updated meeting time.

Tutoring Flyer (pdf)

Cleaning Crew

IAR is looking for energetic and driven individuals to join IAR for the job opening of Cleaning Crew working part-time night shifts.

Please review the Cleaning Crew job description before applying for this position.

Quran Development Course

A new weekly class led by Sheikh Mohammad Badawy to learn and improve your Quran tajweed skills and understanding of the Holy Quran for college age and above students.

Quran Development Course.png

Preferred prerequisite of basic Arabic reading proficiency and bi-weekly suggested a donation of $5 used an incentive to motivate the habit of giving Sadqa as we learn the words of Allaah swt.

After Isha prayers on Monday Nights for the sisters and on Wednesday nights for the brothers in the second floor musallah.

Registration Form | For any questions please email [email protected]

Couple’s Halaqa

Interested in finding an opportunity for Islamic growth and building a better marriage.

The IAR is hosting an informal small group for young and experienced married couples to come together to facilitate practical and faith-based discussions.

Monthly sessions are hosted at the IAR with an expert speaker, including Imam Abu-Taleb and Imam Muamar.

Discussion topics apply to all aspects of marriage success and will be followed with a beneficial Q&A portion during each session.

Please join us for our first meeting on Sunday December 15 from 3:45 – 5pm at IAR. Add event to your calendar

Veterans Day

Triangle Muslims and Islamic Association of Raleigh would like to invite you to meet Muslims who have served and also to learn more about life in the military from a Muslim’s perspective.

Ex-Servicemen will provide insights into their journey and the differences between their civil and military life in the context of being Muslims.

Join us on Sunday November 24 after Dhuhr prayers (2 pm) at IAR.

Shattering Doubts Follow Up

Do you still have a few questions from the Shattering Doubts Workshop held earlier this month?

Do you want to go more in depth on a couple case studies? Are you interested in being part of the next wave of doubt shatterers?

We will be hosting a follow up to the Shattering Doubts workshop on Tuesday November 19 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.

The workshop will be held at the Light House Project to build out your toolkit and address a few of your questions.

Event Registration Form

MSA Itikaaf

IAR and the Duke, UNC, and NCSU Muslim Student Associations are organizing an itikaaf.

The itikaaf will be held at the Islamic Center of Raleigh on Saturday November 16 from Isha to Midnight.

Registration Form
| Event Details

Annual Fundraising Dinner

Save the date: IAR will host our annual fundraising dinner on Saturday December 14 at McKimmon Center.

Your steadfast support is greatly appreciated.

More details to follow soon.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
