Nomination Application

For IAR Majlis Al-Shura 2024-2026

  • According to the IAR bylaws (Articles VIII, Section 2), any Muslim aged 20 years or more, who is a current member and who by March 1 of the year prior to the election year was a member of IAR and had been an active IAR volunteer for at least three years, is eligible to become a member of the Shura. Members of the Board of Directors, current employees and contractors of IAR or its entities, are not eligible for Shura membership.
  • If you are eligible and willing to serve in the Shura, please fill out this form completely and ensure it is submitted.
  • Submissions will be accepted will be from Oct. 5, 2023, until Oct 22, 2023 (until 11 PM).
  • List of candidates will be posted on the Bulletin Boards and IAR website on October 31st
  • All the candidates will be introduced November 10th in the Musallah.
  • Please read the ARTICLE VIII: MAJLIS ASH-SHURA of the IAR bylaws to understand Shura’s roles and responsibilities. 
  • If you have any questions, please email to [email protected]

FORM UNAVAILABLE | The Shura nomination period has ended.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
